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Trump Pulled Off The “Greatest Distraction”

Eric Trump will plead the Fifth Amendment today to protect the Trump Organization and nobody will know.

Why? Because of the “Greatest Distraction.”

Sources tell RightWingNonsense that President of Vice Donald J. Trump had dreamt up a perfect diversion over the weekend. His plan? To check himself into the hospital so he could then release himself on the day his son was to plead the Fifth Amendment. Brilliant! After all he is a stable genius!

ABC News 57, reported today that Eric Trump, “who runs day-to-day operations of the family real estate empire,” was scheduled to “sit for a deposition” today as part of an investigation into the Trump Organization inflating its assets to obtain loans or tax benefits.

In late September, a New York State judge ordered Trump to testify by October 27 according to CNN.

Read this story on The Sizzle Report now. And you will learn why Trump will plead the Fifth. Here’s a hint, who owns the $450 million Trump Debt? Russia is the answer but read the story anyway!

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