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Posts published by “Ronny Tromp”

Trump and Kissing

“I feel so powerful, I’ll walk into that audience. I’ll walk in there, I’ll kiss everyone in that audience. I’ll kiss the guys and the…

Wall Street LOVES Biden!!

As Joe Biden increases his lead in the polls, the stock market is soaring. Wall Street does not want more of the instability, uncertainly, and…

Trump’s Fondness for Harris

“She’s a communist. She’s not a socialist, she’s well beyond a socialist. She wants to open up borders to allow killers and murderers and rapists…

Trump – The Perfect Human Specimen

“I’m back because I am a perfect physical specimen and I am extremely young. And I am so lucky in that way. I could’ve been…

Are Trump and Jong-un the Same Person?

There’s an investigation into whether or not Donald Trump and Kim Jon-un are the same person. Sure, there are pictures and even videos of them…

Donald The Virus Encourager

“We’re going back. We’re going back to work. We’re gonna be out front. As your leader I had to do that. I knew there’s danger…

The Virus? Aw, it Ain’t Nothin’.

“Yeah, well, I didn’t downplay it. I, actually, in many ways, I up-played it, in terms of action.” “Herd mentality will make it go away.”…

Forest Nations

When asked on Sep 14, 2020 about the forest fires: “Well, I think this is more of a management situation. If you look at other…

Trump vs Science

“I don’t think science knows, actually knows. It’ll start getting cooler. You just watch.” What the fuck did he just say?

Biden’s Crusade

“For the entire summer, Joe Biden was SILENT as left-wing mobs assaulted police officers. When Biden’s far-left supporters set fire to police cars, precinct stations,…

They’re Not Dead!

Jim Morrison, Andy Kaufman and Elvis aren’t dead. They’ve been living together in Mexico for the last 35 years driving cabs. The fear of a…

Donald Trump Doesn’t Want to Cause Panic

(These are actual Donald Trump Quotes) Donald Trump says he doesn’t want to cause panic. On September 10 when asked by a reporter about it…

What the Fuck Did He Just Say?

(These are actual Donald Trump Quotes) “Bob Woodward had my quotes for many months. If he thought they were so bad or dangerous, why didn’t…

Secret Recordings

Recently, a white envelope was dropped off at our RWN offices. Inside was an iPhone and a note that read, “ I found this phone.…


Source / Topic Quote Date Rating William Barr on the Justice Department representing Trump in a defamation lawsuit filed by a woman who has accused…