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Are Trump and Jong-un the Same Person?

There’s an investigation into whether or not Donald Trump and Kim Jon-un are the same person. Sure, there are pictures and even videos of them together, but that sort of proof means nothing in the Trump world. Shit, even actual things that happen live in person – like REALITY – are denied by Trump. So it’s very possible – nay, likely – that the pics and videos of him and Kim are fake.

Anyway, here is some compelling evidence (some rumored) that they are indeed the same person:

  1. Pudgy body.
  2. Round face.
  3. Very, VERY small hands.
  4. Short penis.
  5. Trouble getting an erection.
  6. Shitty haircut.
  7. Bad complexion.
  8. Fake smile.
  9. State news station.
  10. Oversized suits.
  11. Hitleresque salute.
  12. Poor health.
  13. Wobbly gate.
  14. Small eyes that are too close together.
  15. Feminine build, especially in the hip and buttock.

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